Nintendo 64
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Incredible Portal Demake Runs on Real N64 Hardware
The clearly very talented James Lambert is currently working on a Portal Demake for Nintendo 64. Not one of those modern fancy demakes that runs in emulation though, but one that would actually run on the real and very much original hardware. Not only that, but lovely Lambert has even…
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Donkey Kong Easter Egg Discovered in Super Mario 64
Given that it’s been around 25 years since Super Mario 64 was released, you’d have been forgiven for thinking that practically every easter egg contained within it would’ve probably been discovered by now. After all, it is still widely played and a particularly popular title in the world of competitive…
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GoldenEye 25 Fan Remake Gets New Pic and Videos!
There have been a few projects over the years to bring back the mighty GoldenEye for the Nintendo 64. For me, the original will always be superior to play, even if the controls are almost sadistic by today’s standard. It’s pretty much an FPS that pioneered many things but didn’t…
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GoldenEye Speedrunner Breaks ‘Dam’ Record After 15-Years
Unlike typical video gamers, a speedrunner is a different breed of player. Their main goal is to find the fastest and most efficient way to get through a level. It is not always pretty or flashy, but it has to be the fastest on record. For GoldenEye players on the…
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