US President Not Allowed To Use An iPhone Due To “Rubbish” Secuirty

Apple's security on the iPhone is apparently so bad that the US president’s officials will not allow him to use…

11 years ago

Three German Political Parties Supporting Snowden’s Asylum

With Edward Snowden willing to testify to a German parliamentary committee about the NSA's mass electronic spying on Germany there…

11 years ago

Angela Merkel Calls Obama, Enquires Why Her Phone Was Spied On

When it was revealed that the NSA had been spying on Germany in a significant way Angela Merkel didn't really…

11 years ago

CISPA Back For Third Time

C.I.S.P.A. is back again? As I told you in April, it hasn't quite made it out of the press room.…

11 years ago

The NSA Is Collecting Your Email And Messaging Contacts, In Addition To The Messages

We already know the NSA collect electronic data on almost every aspect of people's life, whether that data collection is…

11 years ago

Google Faces Antitrust Investigations In Brazil

Google is not exactly unfamiliar with legal action of an antitrust nature as it has faced antitrust lawsuits across a…

11 years ago

The US Is Rapidly Losing Control Of The Internet

At a recent summit in Uruguay, all of the major internet organisations made a pledge to free themselves of US…

11 years ago

Lavabit Gave FBI 4pt Font 2560 Character SSL Keys, FBI Didn’t See The Funny Side

The Lavabit secure email service played a vital role in the NSA leaks released by Edward Snowden. The service was…

11 years ago

NSA “Follow The Money” Program Spies On International Bank Activity

In another shaking report from German publication Der Spiegel we now have reason to believe that the American NSA actually…

11 years ago

FISA Court Orders U.S Government To Review Secretive NSA Surveillance Rules

According to an RT report the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) has served an order on the current U.S…

11 years ago

American Congress Could Rein In NSA’s Domestic Surveillance

James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, believes that the American Congress could soon amend or even halt the domestic…

11 years ago

“The Government Blew It” On The NSA Scandal Says Zuckerberg

While speaking at TechCrunch Disrupt, Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook CEO spoke out about the recent and on going NSA scandal,…

11 years ago

American NIST Denies That The NSA Has Been Able To Weaken Encryption Standards

America's NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology, has released a public statement to address concerns about encryption recently raised…

11 years ago

The NSA Thinks Consumers Are “Zombies” For Buying Easy To Spy On Smartphones

Revelations that the NSA harvests the data of hundreds of millions of people, without their permission or a valid legal…

11 years ago

Google Becomes NSA Target According To New Reports

A fresh report from Brazilian TV network Globo reveals how the NSA has been spying on Brazilian oil giant Petrobras…

11 years ago