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Lyrebird Algorithm Can Mimic Voices After Hearing Only 60 Seconds of Audio
Canadian Startup Lyrebird has developed a new algorithm which can mimic voices with scary accuracy after sampling only 60 seconds of audio speech. The algorithm can copy the voice quality but also captures the cadence very well for only a 60 second sampling. Lyrebird also claims that it is robust…
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Assange Breaks Promise to Surrender
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has reneged on a promise to surrender himself to the US Department of Justice if whistleblower Chelsea Manning was released from prison. Earlier this week, outgoing US President Barack Obama commuted Manning’s prison sentence from thirty-five years down to just four more months, at which point…
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New US Defense Bill Could Spur New Space-based Arms Race
Incumbent US President Barack Obama has signed the National Defense Authorization act, a year-end policy defense bill that covers all aspects of the United States Military and the notable omission of one word has many concerned: “limited”. The provisions hint that the United States will seek defense technology that will…
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US Plans to Build Pair of Exascale Supercomputers
A panel of US government scientists at the recent annual SuperComputing Conference have outlined an exascale strategy developed while under President Barack Obama’s administration involving the creation of two supercomputer systems. The project pair is expected to cost around $200 to $300 million each starting in 2019 with a projected…
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Obama’s Facebook Messenger Bot Now Open Source and Available to Download
The Obama Facebook Messenger bot was released in August and created to communicate with people on behalf of the president. In theory, this allows the US president to receive comments, questions and other remarks from US citizens in a quick manner. The “meet the public where they are” strategy provides a…
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Journalist Files FOIA Request for Obama’s Game of Thrones Screeners
The US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was designed to facilitate transparency in matters of government, allowing members of the public to access to Federal agency records in order to hold the ruling classes accountable. An American journalist, though, is seeking to push the boundaries of the FOIA (or exploit…
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Obama Would Veto ‘Anti-Net Neutrality Bill”
The power to veto something is a strong one, and many governments have the power in place for specific reasons. Though rarely used it can often be what makes or breaks a law or new piece of legislation. In this case, the White House has stated that it would veto…
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Obama to Appoint Execs From Uber, Mastercard & Microsoft to Cybersecurity Panel
Cybersecurity is a big issue this year, with people becoming more and more aware of the steps that both governments and companies are making to gain access to or stop others accessing their data. After its recent attempt to get Apple to help bypass the security features on an iPhone,…
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Obama Weighs In On Apple Vs FBI
Recently the news has been flooded by the events of Apple and the FBI, both of whom are arguing in regards to encryption and companies being made to remove or bypass security features on government orders. Each side has arguments that are fair and it doesn’t look like the discussions…
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White House Pledges $4b to Developing Self-Driving Cars
The Obama Administration has pledged to invest nearly $4 billion to accelerate the development of self-driving cars, and related infrastructure, in the US. The White House plans to support the burgeoning automated vehicle industry – which includes Google’s own endeavour (pictured above) – over the next ten years, according to…
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Obama Signs Into Law Controverisal CISA Bill
The controversial Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act Bill hit the desk of US President Obama yesterday, and he promptly signed off on it. The move is hardly a surprise since CISA was bundled with vital Federal funding legislation as part of an ‘omnibus’ bill that, if denied, would rob the Federal…
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The Intercept Leaks Huge Cache of Documents on the USA Drone Strike Program
Leaks of classified information have been part of the fabric of social interactions and also modern-day communications that includes the Internet, from hacked celeb pics to the now infamous Edward Snowdon cache of documents that detailed the extensive surveillance states and operations around the world. This leak is no different,…
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