
Electric Buses Get Patent-Free Fast Charging

When it comes to electric vehicles, its hard to find someone that hates the vehicles. With Tesla proving that they…

8 years ago

Apples New Patent Would Disable Cameras At Events

When it comes to events these days, there are so many that you often find it hard to enjoy them…

8 years ago

DMCA Notices Have Quadrupled Says Google

There are lots of things on the internet, they say that if you looked hard enough you could find the…

9 years ago

No Man’s Sky Developer Settles Absurd Legal Dispute

Legal disputes can often arise when companies with a particular name feel their brand is being used to promote another…

9 years ago

Would You Use Your iPhone As A Car Key?

It's long been rumoured that Apple is working on an iCar, which is an electric vehicle scheduled for release in…

9 years ago

NASA Opens Their Patents For Everyone!

When it comes to technology, very few companies are on the edge of it like NASA. From space travel to…

9 years ago

Do You Want A Computer In Your Eye? Google Does

When it comes to technology, everyday something that was considered science fiction becomes reality. From a ship-mounted railgun straight out a film…

9 years ago

Nvidia and Samsung Settle All Patent Disputes

For the last few years, IP and patent wars have waged nearly unabated. Nearly two years ago, Nvidia kicked off…

9 years ago

Sony Files Patent for Contact Lens Camera

Sony Computer Entertainment has been revealed to have filed a patent with the USPTO recently, which outlines the integration of…

9 years ago

Nintendo Dodges $30 Million Payment in 3DS Patent Case

Nintendo is known for a wide range of hardware, from their N64s and Wiis to the Gameboys and 3DSs. When…

9 years ago

Apple Pays $25m to Patent Troll

Apple has paid a “patent troll” $24.9 million to settle a lawsuit alleging infringement over its Siri personal assistant. The…

9 years ago

Samsung Have Patented An Augmented Reality Contact Lens

Previous attempts at portable AR devices have met with lukewarm responses, with many of them, including Google Glass, falling short…

9 years ago

Apple Have Filed a Patent For a Keyboard-less Macbook

Have you ever used multiple screens? you know when you've just set up that second screen for the first time…

9 years ago

Microsoft Patents A Smart Ring

Microsoft is known for working on cutting edge technology, with the technology used in the Kinect becoming a dream piece…

9 years ago

EFF Seek Fees For Patent Case Over Online Photo Contests

We've all seen the competitions you can enter online, ranging from entering a competition on a forum to having to create…

9 years ago