
Right to Be Forgotten Is a Waste of Time

The legal ruling in Europe that allows everyone to wipe their digital slate clean is a complete and utter waste…

10 years ago

Facebook Facial Recognition Software Proven to be More Accurate than FBI Counterpart

There has been a lot of debating when it comes to facial recognition, having the FBI scare people off with…

10 years ago

Singapore Plans to Get Rid of Illegal Websites with New Law

Singapore is said to have its Law Ministry cooking up a law since April, similar to what is currently in…

10 years ago

NSA Revealed to have Collected Docs from Innocent Individuals, not Valid Targets

It appears that a huge report from The Washington Post has uncovered a large number of communications and documents collected…

10 years ago

Google is Forced to Censor Negative Information through ‘Right to be Forgotten’

The law given by the European Union, forcing Google to remove links to information people wish to no longer have…

10 years ago

Quadrocopter Pilot Assaulted on Beach – Video Secures Prosecution

Personal quadrocopters such as the A.R. Drone 2 from Parrot are quickly becoming a techie's toy and to be honest…

11 years ago

iOS8 to Include MAC Address Spoofing – Marketing Data Will be Heavily Affected

With Apple's latest iOS8 platform drawing nearer and nearer to its release date - which even at this time is…

11 years ago

Google Received 12000 “Forget” Requests On The First Day Of The Service

A recent change in EU law meant Google was forced to examine and process requests from European citizens who want to…

11 years ago

Edward Snowden Reveals he was Trained as a Spy and Not an Analyst

After leaking information about NSA activities and other secret plots, Edward Snowden makes another statement to the press. This time…

11 years ago

Man Receives Access to High School Girl’s Account Due To Instagram Bug

There are a lot of applications out that which let users sign in using their Facebook account. However, Instagram is…

11 years ago

Ever Visited WikiLeaks? Well You’ve Been Logged And Your Visit Recorded

New revelations reveal that the NSA and GCHQ have been heavily monitoring WikiLeaks. Some of the revelations include that the…

11 years ago

Germany and France Looking To Create NSA-Free European Communications Networks

According to the German Chancellor's weekly podcast she will be working with France to develop a European Communications Network that bypasses…

11 years ago

Samsung’s Context Service May Take Data Collection And Surveillance To Worrying Levels

A report by TheInformation, via the Verge, suggests that Samsung is working on a new service that will allow app…

11 years ago

Google Refuses To Pay French Privacy Fine, Has To Admit Guilt On Google France

Google recently lost a legal dispute in France for failing to tell French citizens exactly what happens to the personal…

11 years ago

NYPD Trialling Google Glass To Aid Officers In The Field

Google Glass has been attracting the attention of the authorities recently - in Wyoming a bill has been proposed to…

11 years ago