
BBC Micro Bit Delayed To 2016

The BBC Micro Bit is an intriguing low-cost device to help youngsters develop a keen interest in programming. Unfortunately, the…

9 years ago

Visual Studio 2015 Now Supports All Major Apple and Android Devices

If you're a fan of programming here's some news you may like. Ahead of the release date for their new…

9 years ago

This Is Why New Software Comes With Old Flaws

You are probably wondering why we hear that legacy flaws are still present in new software. Well, the answer is…

10 years ago

Quantum Computers… Are They Here or Not?

Silicon chips have ruled computing since the last big innovation of computers and have been steadily getting better and better, faster…

10 years ago

Indiegogo Toy Aims to Help Teach Children How to Code

A lot of companies have been struggling to release something that will help children how to code. The use of…

10 years ago

Unreal Engine 4 Is Now Free!

There have been a lot of beautiful and ultra-realistic projects made with Epic's Unreal Engine 4 up until now. Take…

10 years ago

Someone Created a Word Processor in Minecraft

You read that correctly - someone has built a fully functioning (albeit limited) word processor in Minecraft. Its creator, Koala_Steamed,…

10 years ago

President Obama Writes His First Ever Line of Code

Barack Obama just finished his first ever line of code. The "Coder-in-Chief" wrote a line of Javascript with 20 middle school students…

10 years ago

Harvard Academics Build Robot That Teaches Kids How to Write Code

Harvard researchers have built a $10 robot that has been designed to teach children how to write code. The small…

10 years ago

Vimeo Joins Original Programming Game

Streaming video site Vimeo will be joining the online original programming game, with the launch of 6 new episodes of 'High…

10 years ago

HummingBoard – An Alternative to the Raspberry Pi Now Available

There is no arguing the fact that the Raspberry Pi has revolutionised the technology world giving a simple platform on…

10 years ago

Secret Artificial Intelligence Project has been In The Works for 30 Years

Cycorp look like any other research company, striving to create newer technologies in order to sell them to other companies…

10 years ago

3D Printer Hacked To Create Ultimate Air Hockey Robot

Owning an air hockey table is cool, they're a great thing to have in the house for a few cheeky…

11 years ago

Do We All Need To Know How To Code In A World Full Of Tech?

We can't deny it being a necessity to have your smartphone in your pocket, your laptop in your backpack and…

11 years ago

Homeless Man Being Taught Coding Since August Launches His First App, Trees For Cars

You have probably heard about the homeless guy named Leo Grand and programmer Patrick McConlogue offering him a choice between…

11 years ago