
Philips Screeneo UL5 Smart Projector Review

I get a lot of cool products to review here at eTeknix, but this is the first time I've had…

5 months ago

Nvidia Expects Q3 GPU Sales to Slump (And They’re Probably Right!)

As part of its latest financial call to investors, Nvidia has reported that they have had an excellent first half…

3 years ago

ODiN – The World’s First Laser Projection Mouse

When it comes to this day and age people look for two things in their mice; performance and comfort. If you…

9 years ago

Omote Demo Their Real-Time Face Tracking & Projection Technology

You may have seen some of the impressive light shows that can be created by using projection mapping on buildings.…

10 years ago

US Embassy in Berlin Receives ‘Beamed’ Graffitti to Protest NSA Spying Activities

It looks like a German artist has used a different form of "graffiti" to protest the NSA early this morning…

10 years ago

Ritot – A Projection Smartwatch Excels Indiegogo Goals

Smartwatches have been growing in popularity over the last year or so and as more companies join the bandwagon and…

10 years ago

Giant STOP Sign Projected Onto A Makeshift Waterfall

We've all been in a vehicle and found ourselves cursing at other drivers due to their negligent driver skills, or lack…

12 years ago