
Anti-5G Necklaces Found to Contain Radioactive Material

There will always be some people out there who have some weird and wild theories about the world we live…

3 years ago

Underwear Designed To Protect Your “Crown Jewels” from Phone Radiation?

Technology has a way of scaring people, from the original fears that the TV would create a horde of mindless…

9 years ago

Fallout 4 Player Recreates Tenpenny Tower

When it comes to gaming platforms, people have all kinds of preferences, some like just picking up a controller and…

9 years ago

New Startup Kickstarts Stylish Signal-Blocking Tin Foil Hats

Are you one of the unlucky few who fall victim to government mindreading via invisible microwave beams? Are you spending…

9 years ago

Individual Wins Disability Grant After Claiming To Be Allergic To Gadgets

Well you learn something new everyday, a French individual has won a payout for being allergic to gadgets, and yes…

9 years ago

New ‘Pregnant Mode’ for Chinese Routers

In today's society, we are truly immersed in wireless communications; from our tv services to mobile phones. In recent years,…

10 years ago

Two Singapore Based Teams Create Heat Cloaking Device

Cloaking devices have always been a subject up for debate, either shape cloaking, thermal cloaking or any other type of…

11 years ago