
Fitbit Could be Getting Your Heart Rate Wrong

In this day and age, wearable technology can do amazing things. With people being able to check their emails and…

9 years ago

Obama Would Veto ‘Anti-Net Neutrality Bill”

The power to veto something is a strong one, and many governments have the power in place for specific reasons.…

9 years ago

IPv6 Adoption Still Shockingly Low Despite 20th Anniversary

The IPv6 specifications aren't new on the block, in fact, the Internet Engineering Group and the Internet Engineering Task Force,…

9 years ago

Prisons Get Capped Phone Rate as Prices Hit $14 Per Minute

People often complain about how much they pay for their phone, be it a monthly bill or a subscription we…

9 years ago

Reliable Tech – Hardware Repair Rate Rankings Released

As computer enthusiasts often get hostile about their favorite brands warranties, returns and reliability, we've just been given an insight into…

10 years ago