
Don’t Drill Your Graphics Card or Receive This Expensive Lesson

We have all done something stupid at one point or another, but some people's actions make ours look pale in…

9 years ago

Facebook Reactions Replace Your Likes With Even More Emotions

So you are on Facebook and you notice your friend has posted an item about something rather sad, or something…

9 years ago

Hilarious and Sad Open World Star Wars Kickstarter Cancelled

Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and similar fundraising sites are a really great idea and they have helped a lot of projects to…

9 years ago

IPv6 Adoption Still Shockingly Low Despite 20th Anniversary

The IPv6 specifications aren't new on the block, in fact, the Internet Engineering Group and the Internet Engineering Task Force,…

9 years ago

Renowned Fantasy Author Sir Terry Pratchett Dies Only 66 Years Old

The fantasy author and creator of the Discworld series, Sir Terry Pratchett has died aged 66, eight years after being diagnosed…

10 years ago

New Mini-ITX Configurations Announced By OriginPC and CyberpowerPC

OriginPC was one of the first manufacturers to offer the monstrous Titan Z card in their custom-build PCs. However, the…

11 years ago