
British Schools Will Use Nintendo Games to Teach ‘Life Skills’

I am perhaps showing my age here a little, but when I was at school the closest you got to…

5 years ago

Schools Ban Microsoft Office 365 Over Privacy Concerns

The launch of Office 365 has proven to be very popular with both individuals and organisations. Largely because it offers…

5 years ago

Bitcoin Scammers Hit New Lows With Bomb Threats

Bitcoin Scammers Start Issuing Bomb Threats Bitcoin scammers are, perhaps, one of the biggest issues in cybercrime at the moment.…

6 years ago

France Issues School Ban For Smartphones

France Issues School Ban For Smartphones When I was at school, smartphones were not really a thing. The worst thing…

6 years ago

PC Building Simulator May Soon Be Used In Schools

PC Building Simulator May Soon Be In Schools PC Building Simulator launched last month and so far it has been…

7 years ago

Computer Science Now a Core Subject in Chicago Schools

Chicago has a history of making large moves with the latest technology. From installing cables to help avoid power cuts to trains…

9 years ago

BBC Micro Bit Delayed To 2016

The BBC Micro Bit is an intriguing low-cost device to help youngsters develop a keen interest in programming. Unfortunately, the…

9 years ago

Florida Public Schools to Spy on Students’ Social Media

The Orange County Public Schools District have chosen to monitor people's social activity in their area, the district announced on…

10 years ago

HummingBoard – An Alternative to the Raspberry Pi Now Available

There is no arguing the fact that the Raspberry Pi has revolutionised the technology world giving a simple platform on…

10 years ago

Bing Rewards App for Windows Phone Launched, 5 Months after iOS and Android

Latest news from Microsoft point to having its Bing Rewards app being released (finally) for Windows Phone, having it come…

10 years ago

Apple And Other Companies To Donate Free Hardware And Services To Schools

With the US Government launching its ConnectED initiative, which will help get US classrooms into the internet era, several major…

11 years ago

Kerbal Space Program Mod “KerbalEdu” Takes The Game Into The World Of Education

Teachers and students can now work together to learn rocket science and the joys of space travel with the official…

11 years ago