Websites Could Boycott UK Over Surveillance Law

A new campaign, protesting the UK’s new Investigatory Powers Act, which gives the government access to 12 months’ worth of…

8 years ago

Google Speaks Out Over Secret Attacks by Hollywood

The recent Sony Pictures hack revealed that the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) had organised a secret campaign against…

10 years ago

Latest Sony Leaks Reveals How MPAA Want To Change DNS

It's no secret that the MPAA are wanting to take stronger measures against piracy, but recent Sony leaks suggest they're…

10 years ago

White House Wants to Make Illegal Downloads a Felony Offense

The White House has weighed in on the issue of media copyright infringement online, asserting that illegal downloads should be…

10 years ago

Russia’s SOPA-Equivalent Could Shut Down Wikipedia

We already brought you news of Russia's SOPA-like legislation which is still on track to pass and come into effect…

11 years ago

Russia Could Pass SOPA-Like Legislation By August

Taiwan were the most recent country to reject SOPA-like legislation and you would of thought governments over the world would…

12 years ago

Taiwan’s SOPA-like Copyright Bill Shot Down In Flames

According to a report by TechDirt there has been public outcry in Taiwan over the government's proposed copyright bill. Apparently…

12 years ago