
New Telescope Technology Could Allow Us to See Alien Life within 20 Years

There is a lot of the solar system that remains to be seen and NASA are working hard to take…

10 years ago

The UK Plans to Build its First Spaceport by 2018

The United Kingdom is said to have planned its first spaceport to be built and be up-and-running by 2018, while…

10 years ago

International Astronomical Union (IAU) Planet-Naming Contest Opening Up

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) will open up exoplanet naming contests starting next year, in an effort to cut off…

10 years ago

Voyager 1 Now Confirmed to be in Interstellar Space

Voyager 1 as many will know has been on its mission to explore the far reaches of our solar system…

10 years ago

Quadcopter Style Drone May Offer Better Safe Landings for Mars Rovers

Quadcopters and drones are proving to be one of the most popular bits of technology of the last decade, and…

10 years ago

Boeing Start Work on 200-foot NASA SLS Rocket

Moving further out in to space is still one of NASAs main goals, but to do so would require new…

10 years ago

Replica Mini Mars Created Just Outside London by Airbus Defence

If you want to test a new rover for a mission on the red planet you've got two options. One…

10 years ago

NASA Flying Saucer Style Mars Lander Test A Success

This week saw NASA testing their flying-saucer style craft, which they hope will be suitable for Mars landing in the…

10 years ago

Forget Virgin Galactic, Take A Balloon To Space

World View Enterprises of Tucson, Arizona has claimed their balloon tests have be successfully completed, in what could be come…

10 years ago

Skybox To Enable Real Time Google Maps, Let the Spying Begin?

A few weeks ago Google made a quiet acquisition of a start-up called Skybox. As with many of Google's purchases…

10 years ago

Scientists Have Simulated a Time Travel Scenario… But Only with Photons

Time travel is a thing for science fiction, a theory that has been debated for a long time, but without…

11 years ago

Microsoft Adds Extra OneDrive and Office 365 Free Space, Lowers Subscription Fees

Since OneDrive (formerly known as SkyDrive) has been launched, Microsoft offered a standard 7 GB free storage space with additional…

11 years ago

Mountain Blasted to Make Way for Extremely Large Telescope

When humans set their mind to a task, there isn't much that can stand in our way, and that includes…

11 years ago

NASA’s Cassini Visits Titan, Gathering Data on Lakes

The NASA Cassini spacecraft flew by the Saturn’s moon of Titan recently, as researchers want to gain more knowledge about…

11 years ago

Google Seek Investment in Virgin Galactic

It looks like Google are cracking out the their cheque book in style once again this week as they make…

11 years ago