
NSA Boss Says He Knows Nothing About WikiLeaks

With the actions of the NSA exposed by now world-famous whistleblower Edward Snowden the NSA have been trying to calm…

12 years ago

Venezuelan President Would Consider Snowden Asylum Request

While Edward Snowden is believed to be seeking political Asylum with the Ecuadorian government, Venezuela's president has given Edward Snowden…

12 years ago

UK’s Liberty Organisations Demands Investigation Into Legality Of UK Intelligence Services

The ramifications of the leaks about the NSA made by Edward Snowden have had international coverage. In the UK the…

12 years ago

One Of The Internet’s Founders Says The Internet Must Be Protected From Exploitation

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, one of founders of the internet and the first man to successful run the HTTP protocol, believes…

12 years ago

New Privacy Bill Seeks To Reform FISA And Patriot Act, More Transparency On Surveillance

The NSA PRISM scandal has caused outrage across the USA and the world, you can check our extensive coverage of…

12 years ago

Russia And China Hit Back At USA Over Snowden Accusations

According to a report by Russia Today the Russia Foreign Minister is unhappy about the allegations made against Russia by…

12 years ago

Petition To Pardon Edward Snowden Passes 110,000 Signatures

Edward Snowden is now one of the most wanted men in the USA after exposing the NSA surveillance program and…

12 years ago

Latest News: Edward Snowden Heading To Ecuador

Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor who is now one of the world's most famous whistleblowers, is reportedly off to…

12 years ago

British Spy Agency Worse Than The NSA, Monitors Huge Amounts Of Internet Traffic

  You thought the NSA were bad right? - Tapping into the internet data of Americans in the name of…

12 years ago

PRISM Whistleblower Snowden Travelling Via Moscow To Unknown Third Country

The American whistleblower Edward Snowden is a wanted man in the USA after spilling the beans on details so controversial…

12 years ago

The Pirate Party Demands European Response To PRISM Scandal

The PRISM "scandal" originating the USA has triggered public outcry in the USA as well as across the world. The…

12 years ago

Turkish Government Criticises Twitter For Not Giving Up User Data

For those who follow international news you may have seen that Turkey is currently experience some civil unrest which the…

12 years ago

UK ISPs Will Filter Adult Content By Next Year

According to a report by British ISPs will begin automatically filtering adult content from their services from 2014. Apparently…

12 years ago

Microsoft Follows Facebook In Releasing Government Request Data To The Public

Microsoft, Google and Facebook all joined together recently to demand more transparency about government data requests and being able to reveal…

12 years ago

NSA Has Code Running In the Linux Kernel And Android

The saying "how deep does the rabbit hole go" has never been more appropriate with regards to NSA speculation as…

12 years ago