
Amazon Has Bought Twitch, Not Google

Amazon has bought video-game streaming service Twitch for $970m (£585m) and not google as originally thought. Twitch, launched in June…

10 years ago

Reddit, Imgur and Twitch Join Forces as ‘Derp’ for Data Research

Some of the biggest names in social media have joined forces to form The Digital Ecologies Research Partnership (Derp). Somehow…

10 years ago

Twitch CEO Says Sorry and That Improvments Are Incoming

  Since Google bought Twitch for $1 bn there have been many complaints, mainly due to them muting  the sound…

10 years ago Has Come to an End

It has long been expected, and now it has happened. has closed the doors and shut down, thanking their…

10 years ago

DeepSilver Stream An Hour of Risen 3: Titan Lords

Risen 3: Titan Lords is currently being prepared for release on PC in mid-August, and as Deep Silver work to…

10 years ago

Google’s $1 bn Aquisition of Twitch Said to be Confirmed

Most gamers have dreamt about it - wouldn't it be great to be paid to play video games all day…

10 years ago

Study Reveals Gamers To Be More Educated, Social and Successful Than Non-Gamers

Gamers have always been thought to be comprised mostly by loners and rejects, the so-called nerds who live in their…

11 years ago

YouTube Set To Acquire Twitch For $1 Billion

Industry sources are saying that YouTube is preparing to buy Twitch. The Google owned company is looking to buy out…

11 years ago

Twitch Completes Pokémon, Next Adventure Starts Today!

It has taken tens of thousands of people more than two weeks to complete it, but the community has finally…

11 years ago

NVIDIA Adds Twitch Integration In GeForce Experience 1.8.1 Release

The GeForce Experience 1.8 brought about major ShadowPlay updates that made the gameplay recording tool even better. It seems that…

11 years ago

PS4 Users Clock Up Nearly 800,000 Broadcasts & More That 7.1 Million Spectate Sessions

Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) and Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) today announced that hundreds of thousands of PlayStation 4…

11 years ago

Husband Strips Wife Naked On PlayStation 4 Twitch Stream

Now I'm sure there are a few of you clicking that title thinking OMG, that sounds awesome! But truth be…

11 years ago

Make Something Unreal Winner ‘Epigenesis’ Given Steam Early Access

Independent studio Dead Shark Triplepunch today announced its award-winning First-Person Arena Sports game Epigenesis. Epigenesis is a multiplayer game for…

11 years ago

Hauppauge! HD PVR 2 Gaming Edition Plus Review

Hauppauge! are the first name I think of when it comes to digital recording devices, they've already set them selves up…

11 years ago