
UK May Bring its Fossil-Fuel Car Ban Forward To 2030

With growing concerns over the environment, the writing is pretty much on the wall for fossil-fuelled cars in much of…

4 years ago

Antec UK Offers Amazing Prize Draw with its P120 Crystal Case

If you're currently looking to purchase a new system chassis, then you're probably not finding it hard to find models…

4 years ago

UK Set For Huge U-Turn Over Huawei 5G Technology

With the continuing expansion of the UK's 5G network, one of the biggest subjects of contention has been the use…

4 years ago

GAME Confirms UK Stores Will Start Re-Opening Next Week

With the Coronavirus situation in the UK starting to calm down a little, it's hardly any surprise to hear that…

5 years ago

UK Plans Huge Rebate for Trading Combustion Cars for Electric

Under the current COVID-19 situation, it's hardly any secret that economies around the world are struggling at the moment. In…

5 years ago

TalkTalk Confirms UK Broadband Outages

If you're a TalkTalk broadband customer and are currently on hold trying to get through to their technical support, perhaps…

5 years ago

UK Government Reviews Huawei’s 5G Involvement – Again!

Since the initial rollout of 5G networks across the UK (admittedly, currently in very localized areas) there has been a…

5 years ago

NHS Workers Can Apply for a Free Video Game!

It's hardly any secret that the COVID-19 situation has put a lot of strain on health services around the world.…

5 years ago

UK Confirms Plans For Coronavirus Tracing App

Last week it was revealed that Google and Apple were in a collaboration to create a Coronavirus tracking app. The…

5 years ago

Various Mobile Networks Have Gone Down in the UK

If you're somebody that is semi-glued to your smartphone, then you're probably one of the first to notice when your…

5 years ago

UK Prepares £1.2B for Weather Forecasting Supercomputer

With climate change and weather being one of the most pressing subjects for governments worldwide at the moment, it's pretty…

5 years ago

Scrapped UK Porn Law Sees ‘Blocking’ Firms Seeking Damages

Around this time last year, the UK Government rubber-stamped a law that would require anyone accessing 'adult' material online to…

5 years ago

GAME Store Closures Are Probably on the Way

It's hardly any secret that highstreet gaming retailers are in something of a crisis at the moment. For example, GameStop…

5 years ago

UK Finally (and Quietly) Drops Plans for Online Porn Age Checks

Late last year, the UK Government proposed changes to the law that would require any access to online pornographic websites…

5 years ago

UK To Commit £5bn to Achieve Gigabit Internet Roll-Out by 2025

While having access to 'full-fiber' internet is nice (particularly with the speeds it can throw your way) the vast majority…

5 years ago