
Researchers Find People Will Use Dead Dropped USB Sticks

Remember all those rules people give you when you were growing up. The rules ranged from don't talk to people…

8 years ago

FossHub Hack Replaces Software With Malware!

When you download some popular software, you often end up using a mirror to gain access to all of your…

8 years ago

Millions of Android Phones Infected by HummingBad Apps!

When it comes to viruses we are always being reminded about our computers. What about our other devices? When did…

8 years ago

Godless Malware Roots Your Android Phone

When it comes to viruses and malware we often underestimate just how many devices could be affected by malicious software.…

8 years ago

Latest Ransomware Now Hidden Within Javascript

When it comes to viruses Ransomware is particularly nasty. With thousands of users being affected by the latest in cyber crime,…

9 years ago

TeslaCrypt’s Developers Are Giving The Keys To Their Ransomware Away

In recent years, a new spread of malicious software has emerged, ransomware. Designed to not only cause issues like viruses…

9 years ago

You Wont Find Tech Support Ads on Bing Anymore!

We've all had that fear when our system starts doing something we didn't expect it, from a popup on your…

9 years ago

How To Detect The Zika Virus With A $1 Paper-based Test

As we develop so does the world around us, one of these developments is the explosive boom of the Zika Virus.…

9 years ago

Hacker Behind Gozi Virus Ordered To Pay $7 Million

Viruses and malicious software or malware can do lots of damage to a company or even a single person's life.…

9 years ago

Cyber Police Ransomware Demands Payment In iTunes Gift Cards

When it comes to the latest in viruses, ransomware is the next big thing for viruses. Ransomware benefits the hackers…

9 years ago

Viruses Found Inside German Nuclear Plant

We've all had that scare when we've discovered a virus on our computer, either from a scan or a popup…

9 years ago

Homeland Security & Trend Micro Recommend Uninstalling QuickTime Now

When it comes to software that you may not have heard of, or even used, recently QuickTime appears on my…

9 years ago

HIV May Not Be Stopped By Gene Editing

We are often taught that in order to solve a problem we break it down to its simplest parts and…

9 years ago

Petya – The Ransomware That Deletes Your Master Boot Record

Ransomware is getting nastier and nastier. Initially just an attempt to turn malicious software (malware) into something that is financially…

9 years ago

USB Thief Infects ‘Air-gapped’ Computers And Leaves No Trace

Malware (short for malicious software) is a type of program that is intended to cause harm to a system, be…

9 years ago