
Intel Pays Out Highest Bug Bounty Yet at $100,000

Highest Intel Bug Bounty Payout Yet Vladimir Kiriansky from MIT became the recipient of the highest payout from Intel's Bug…

6 years ago

Intel Delays Patches for Spectre-NG Vulnerabilities

Intel's Spectre Nightmare is Far From Over Bad news for Intel as security researchers have discovered eight new "Spectre-class" vulnerabilities…

6 years ago

Netflix Opens Bug Bounty Program Worth Up to $15,000 USD

Using Hacking Skills for Good (and Profit) Netflix has launched their public bug bounty program, offering $1oo to $15,000 USD…

6 years ago

Microsoft Extends $15,000 per-Bug Bounty Program

Microsoft is extending their MS Office Bounty Program until the end of 2017. The program originally was only to last…

7 years ago

Millions of Android Devices Potentially at Risk Because of Qualcomm Flaw

A little while ago, a team of researchers from Checkpoint Security has uncovered a total of four vulnerabilities in Qualcomm chips,…

8 years ago

Apple Starts Invite Only Bug-Bounty Program

Companies are looking at increasing their security, working on finding and dealing with problems as they occur. One way companies…

8 years ago

Samsung’s Smart Home Vulnerabilities Give Keys to Hackers

Connected technology makes life easier for everyone, being able to talk to friends from your watch or call your car…

8 years ago

FBI Warns That Cars Are Increasingly Vulnerable to Hacks

It's no surprise that hackers have taken an interest in connected vehicles, but not everyone is actually aware of their…

9 years ago

Which Companies Had The Most Security Vulnerabilities In 2015?

Cyber security is a hot topic and the rise of attacks which looks to exploit security flaws within a company’s…

9 years ago

How Bad Are Adobe Flash Bug Repair Stats?

It’s safe to say Adobe flash did not have the best of years, from crashes, hacks, crashes, vulnerabilities and, yes…

9 years ago

Mac OS X and iOS More Vunerable than Windows and Linux, Surprised?

With the recent increase in sales of all things Apple, its once strong perception of being very secure is losing…

10 years ago