CIA Hires Virtual Writers To Do Make Their Job Easier

/ 12 years ago


According to a news article on FudZilla, The CIA has been spending big on a new range of software that can analyze a large set of data and write reports on it, something that could spell then end of the common journalist (joking…I hope).

At the CIA’s venture capital wing, In-Q-Tel, there has been a big investment in a company known as Narrative Science. Narrative Science is known for coding software that is capable of turning massive data sets into much easier to read documents, something they’ve proven before by turning baseball box scores into readable accounts of games.

Now they seem they’ve moved up in the world and most of Narrative Science’s clients are from the world of finance, marketing, research and more, something that has clearly pipped the interest of the CIA who themselves collect mountains of data and research that needs sifting and sorting constantly into reports.

Steve Bowsher, Managing Partner at IQT, said in a press release that he thinks that advanced analytic capabilities can be of great value to our customers in the Intelligence Community.

It’s interesting technology and it’s obviously effective if so many companies are beginning to use it, but surely it’s still not as effective as a human writer? Lets hope it doesn’t replace us all in the near future.

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