Cities Skylines 2 Update Intros More Optimizations and Some Economy Fixes
Jakob Aylesbury / 1 year ago
Cities Skylines 2 has just received another hotfix to introduce some fixes to the economy and the performance which have been the two key ballaches with this game.
Cities Skylines 2
Both myself and our other editor Peter have been sinking in many hours into the game albeit with different approaches. Whilst he is playing it as it should be, I prefer to play with no restrictions with infinite money just to simply build a cool city. I was the same with the first game and have never not used infinite money in all my almost 500 hours.
With that in mind, the game is fairly solid although the performance, economy, demand and overall simulation are a bit messy and the latter in some cases seems non-existent to some. As an example, u/ohhnoodont on Reddit recently shared their 21K population city with no services besides water and electricity and was still able to make a profitable city with reasonable happiness and a 220K monthly profit. It is safe to say something isn’t quite right.
HotFix 1.0.12f1
A new hotfix has been released which should make a dent in some of the concerns that players have including some changes to how companies order and use resources, some changes to improve the constant “no customers” notifications, and fixes to the calculations in student eligibility counts. On top of the gameplay fixes, there are also some fixes for performance including some LOD fixes, object load order changes, and some decreased resolutions on some unnecessary textures which let’s be honest, there are a lot of.
Full Patch Notes
- Increased leisure probability to balance the “No customers” situation with commercial companies
- Improved balance of companies’ profit
- Tuned down companies ordering input resources when their storage don’t have enough space
- Fixed trade resource bug preventing some resources from being consumed
- Fixed miscalculation in college/university eligible count
- Improved conditions for companies to move away when bankrupt
- Fixed a dependency error with land value causing potential instability
- Fixed an issue where loading a new map would cause water state to get out of sync with the save data
- Slightly increased Windows emission intensity
- Optimizations for area lights
- Prefer rendering small objects after large ones when possible to improve GPU performances in some cases
- Improved shadow LOD calculations to cull irrelevant shadow casters earlier
- Reduced situations where trees and alpha clipped objects would lead to virtual texturing space running out
- Fixed citizens hanging around at park areas on regular building lots never getting inside the building
- Decreased resolution of unnecessary large character textures
- Removed Spasm radio ad (due to offensive content)
- Added missing localization ID for Paradox account linking