Graphics Cards
Club3D Radeon HD 7790 13Series 1GB Graphics Card Review
Dirt Showdown is a video game from Codemasters and is part of the Colin McRae Rally games revolving around a tour of events to compete in allowing you to win money and prizes to spend on new cars and upgrades as well as unlocking new events and races. The game uses high resolution textures and AA settings to simulate dust particles, terrain and damage to the vehicles.
Dirt Showdown as we’ve highlighted, especially in the CrossFire review, is a strong point for this card and the only difference between this card and Sapphires card was an average of 1fps less at 1680×1050.
How can the HD7870 been out performed by a HD7790(own that one) that looks wrong!?
agreed. thats the problem with pulling results from an aged database where driver versions used for graphics card testing aren’t consistent. the 7870 was probably tested nearly a year ago with old drivers. if it were to be tested with the same drivers as the ones the 7790 are using all the results would be very different indeed