Commodore 64 – Watch_Dogs 1989 Edition
It’s not the first time we’ve seen a retro-edition of a new game, remember the old school shoot em’ up version of Borderlands that was released a couple of years ago? Well aside from the fact that this game would need to shit on a colossal amount of floppy discs, or lots of very slow loading cassette tapes, the video shows us what Watch_Dogs could have looked like all those years ago.
In fairness it is just a bit of fun, even by 1989 standards the game looks too advanced, I loved my Commodore 64 and yet I have to admit it wasn’t capable of being this good. I certainly wouldn’t say no to this being created as some kind of an indie title, as it does look a lot of fun, is somewhat basic when compared to its real-world and very much playable counterpart.
[youtube width=”800″ height=”450″][/youtube]With all the hype surrounding this game at the moment, I’ve seen a few cool videos relating to the game, but none was as cool as this one from a few days ago.
Thank you YouTube for providing us with this information.
Image courtesy of YouTube.