Cooler Master Hyper 103 CPU Cooler Review
Peter Donnell / 11 years ago
The Cooler Master Hyper 103 has proven it can really holds its own at stock temperatures, clocking in cooler than the Reijintek Ereboss at idle and just quarter of a degree higher at load, impressive given the Ereboss costs around £15 more.
While it is a far cry from a dull roar, the Hyper 103 is the loudest of our current benchmarks, but and at both idle and load it is around 3dBA above ambient noise at stock CPU clocks. This can easily be attributed to the smaller fan having to spin a little faster than the other samples on this list which all feature 120mm or 140mm fans.
Things quickly fall down once overclocked, Idle temps are where we would expect but once heavy load is applied it starts to buckle. This is however a small cooler and a heavily overclocked i5, so the results are pretty much what we expected.
Trying to maintain a low temperature at high overclocks proved a difficult task for the Hyper, bringing the fan up to 51 dBA at load, although idle acoustics were still pretty decent.