Coolink SWiF2 Fan Series Review

/ 13 years ago

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Final ThoughtsWhile these fans seem to give good results they aren’t giving an improvement on the airflow/noise ratio than the likes of the Akasa Viper (the fan with the Akasa Venom) and that is disapointing but the standard 120mm Coolink fan may just be notching ahead of the Nexus 120mm series even though on paper they are very evenly matched. As the prices are similar they could possibly be a better buy, but it is hard to separate them.

My only problem with the Coolink SWiF2 fan series is that they seem to have a whine about them, I mentioned this in the Coolink Corator review, which uses the 120mm PWM fan and the more I hear them the more noticeable it gets. The frequencies of noise they produce is clearly slightly higher and I find it just that little bit more frustrating.

That said, they look good and retail at a sensible price.


  • Look good and built well
  • Can move a lot of air
  • Good price



  • No improvement on performance over other case fans
  • Slight whine to the noise emitted which is annoying


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