Corsair GS800 (800W) Non-Modular Power Supply Review
A Closer Look – Exterior
The top of the unit is uniquely styled and the changeable plastic colour rings are an interesting addition. I’ve yet to find anywhere that actually sells them, other than the official Corsair store where you can buy the red and white rings together for $9.99.
The cable end is textured and has blue accents thanks to the blue colour ring.
The side has the Corsair logo and GS branding.
The other side features the same branding in reverse depending on which way you prefer to mount the PSU.
The bottom features the power sticker with all the key details.
The rear has long rectangular ventilation, a kettle lead input, on/off switch and the LED button to change the LEDs between white, blue, red and off.
The huge lump of modular cables include one 24 pin, one 8 pin EPS, four PCIe 6+2 pin, 8 SATAs, 8 Molex and 2 FDD connectors.
Non modular for $129.99 to $139.99 and it is only 50 watts more than the two psus I have that rated very well uh well Corsair no thanks !