Power Supplies
Corsair GS800 (800W) Non-Modular Power Supply Review
A Closer Look – Interior
Corsair’s choice of OEM is Channel Well Technology (CWT) who also make the CX series of power supplies by Corsair.
The used 140mm fan is made by Ong Hua and has the model number HA1425H12B-Z which is a seven bladed fan managing up to 2800RPM.
The AC transient filtering starts with two Y caps at the receptacle.
There is further line filtering on the main PCB using two pairs of X and Y caps.
The main hold up cap is rated for 470uF, 400V and 105 degrees and is made by Matsushita/Panasonic.
The majority of the secondary side caps are provided by Teapo and are rated for 105 degrees. There is a lonesome Nippon Chemi-Con cap which regulates the 5VSB rail.
Non modular for $129.99 to $139.99 and it is only 50 watts more than the two psus I have that rated very well uh well Corsair no thanks !