Power Supplies
Corsair GS800 (800W) Non-Modular Power Supply Review
Noise and Ripple
Noise and Ripple can easily be measured by an oscilloscope. These show how much voltage fluctuation there is on a particular rail. We tested the rail stability of the 3.3 volt, 5 volt and 12 volt rails using an identical time and millivolt scale for all graphs.
The latest ATX 12 volt version 2.3 specifications state that ripple from peak to peak must be no higher than 50 millivolts for the 3.3 volt and 5 volt rails, while the 12 volt rail is allowed up to 120 millivolts peak to peak to stay within specifications.
Non modular for $129.99 to $139.99 and it is only 50 watts more than the two psus I have that rated very well uh well Corsair no thanks !