Corsair Releases Hydro Series HG10 GPU Liquid Cooling Bracket
Corsair announced the immediate availability of the Hydro Series HG10 A1 Edition GPU liquid cooling bracket for AMD Radeon R9 290X and 290 graphics cards. The HG10 isn’t just an AIO bracket with a fan, it’s also a heatsink at the same time, a thing that has been missing on current competitor offers.
You can combine a Corsair AIO cooler with this black anodized aluminium bracket to create an effective full-coverage GPU liquid cooling solution for all the vital parts of your graphics card. Adhesive heat-transfer pads have been aligned to cover RAM and VRMs while a fan blows cold air over the entire PCB in the same fashion a reference cooler would; but a lot less force is needed and a huge sound reduction is achieved.
The HG10 solution is said to be so effective that it can drop peak temperatures as much as 50 degrees while having significant lower noise levels. This should eliminate any form of thermal throttling as well as increase the overclocking headroom.
It also looks like the fan is a lot easier to remove and clean than what we’ve seen up until now on the Kraken G10, a small but very useful feature.
The Hydro Series HG10 A1 Edition GPU liquid cooling bracket is designed to support all stock reference versions of AMD Radeon R9 290X and 290X graphics cards. A full list of compatible cards can be found at New HG10 editions compatible with NVIDIA GeForce Titan, 7 Series, and other GPUs will be available in early 2015.
The MSRP is set to just $39.99 and should be available now or very shortly.
Thanks to Corsair for providing us with this information
Images courtesy of Corsair