Corsair RM1000e Fully Modular 1000w 80 Plus Gold PSU Review
Packaging & Accessories
The box features the usually black and yellow we see across pretty much all Corsair products these days. There’s a clear photo of the PSU on the front, showcasing the various connections it supports, and there’s a Cybernetics Platinum A- rating on there too. The box is a bit battered, but that’s more to do with my courier than anything else.

Around the back, we can also see there’s an 80 Plus Gold rating, a Zero RPM fan, the dimensions of the PSU and some technical information for the efficiency and fan curves.

The RM1000e is reasonably well protected, with a thick plastic bag and compressible foam covers that saved it from the battering my courier gave the outer box.

In the box, you’ll find all the usual cables, with the thicker 24-pin featuring a sleeve, while all the other cables have a flat and flexible design that should be very easy to route within your computer.