The eTeknix Craziest Or Weirdest Stories Of 2017

/ 7 years ago

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Weird and Crazy!

At eTeknix, while we like to try and focus on the more serious tech news, there are occasionally stories we simply can’t ignore. They are either just too bizarre or crazy. We do, on the other hand, like to try and keep within our remit. It’s definitely something to which I have become somewhat infamous for with my colleagues. The company saying goes ‘if it’s weird, give it to Mike’.

We, therefore, present some of the craziest or weirdest stories we have seen from 2017.

The Harmony Sex Robot

We entirely appreciate that in the world, there are people that will do anything to anything. A quick look on YouTube is enough to confirm that. When it comes to sex, however, there is a whole new level of weird and wonderful stuff. I do, of course, use the term ‘wonderful’ loosely.

The Harmony sex robot was definitely one of the weirdest robots we reported about this year.

You can check out the story here.

Love robot

Diablo 2 – Completed without a single hack or slash

As a massive fan of Diablo 2, if you would have told me it was possible to beat it without a single carpel-tunnel inducing click flurry, I would not have believed you.

Yet, it was and you can read more about it here!

Drunk man fights robot

In American, car parks have begun to deploy robot parking wardens. One drunk man, however, took exception to one and challenged it to a fight.

Find out how it turned out here!


Put simply, a game where you must have a bit of ‘alone time’ with the computer without getting caught. Better (or worse) still, it’s all in VR.

You can, if you want, read about that here. I won’t judge you.

Nintendo blames customer for supply issues

Between the Switch, SNES and NES classic, Nintendo has a bad habit for undersupplying. Blaming the consumers “tantrums” over this, however, is not clever PR.

See why Nintendo blamed us here.

Nintendo Says "No" to PC Gaming

Company pays $1m after ransomware attack

Getting a ransomware attack is bad news, however, one company took that a step further by actually paying the $1m ransom.

Check out the insanity here.


11 Year Gamerscore record lost!

Having an 11-year-old record is pretty amazing. Losing that to your closest rival because you decided to get married, however, is one of those difficult gaming decisions.

See how the record was lost here.

Friday the 13th Game Nerfs Weapons

If a weapon in a game is nerfed, it’s usually because it’s massively overpowered. In this instance, however, it had to be done for a completely different reason. Why? Well, rather than using them to fight off Jason Vorhees, councillors decided to start killing each other instead.

Check out that toxicity here.

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds $500 fashion accessory

Although I don’t really buy into it, I understand why people might want to look unique in games. Paying $500 in real money for a virtual pink miniskirt, however, is a little beyond my comprehension.

You can read more about that here you fabulous person.

Szechuan Sauce sells for $15,000

Rick and Morty put McDonalds’ Szechuan Sauce on the map. So much so that they actually brought it back. It that wasn’t enough, however, someone bought a bottle for $15,000.

Here’s the link to that saucy little number.

szechuan sauce

Chatbot declares it’s necessary to shoot ‘enemies of the people’ at just 2 weeks old

In a disturbing turn of thought for AI, a chatbot, less than 2 weeks old, decided it was necessary to ‘shoot enemies of the people’.

Check out that story here to see if we should be worried.

More Weirdness to come!

While 2017 was a pretty weird year, I daresay 2018 will bring with it a lot more crazy stuff. Stuff that my editors will probably ask me to write about. Sometimes it pays to be typecast.

What do you think? Whats the weirdest thing you heard about in 2017? – Let us know in the comments!


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