A Couple Things More
There are a couple things more that I’d like to show in regard to the Thecus N4810 as a Media Center. We have our Thecus OS 7 dashboard with all its features and functions and you can check out the full review on the Thecus N2810 for more details on all these features that I haven’t shown today.
All the installed apps can be pinned to the desktop which allows for quick access. You can also bookmark all the individual app pages that you’ll need for quick access where you don’t have to go through the dashboard first.
The Twonky media server is another one that I haven’t shown yet. It works by connecting to a media server and then playing the files. What else would a media player do? It’s simple and it works directly in your browser.
We also have the Transmission download client for easy access to more content. But beware of what you download and keep in mind that piracy is illegal. Now you can’t say that you didn’t know.
A lot of the installed apps have their own information and settings pages such as this one for the Local Display plugin which allows for the direct media output. The pages allow for various changes and also provide links and information needed to configure, install, and control the apps.
For example, the VLC media player page allows you to enable remote control ability with ease and also links directly to Android and iPhone apps.
Other apps have a more plain setup with a configuration file that can be manually modified. MiniDLNA is such one, but you can still do it all through the browser.