Creative G3 Portable Gaming DAC AMP Review
Packaging & Specifications
As you can see, the box is pretty compact, which I like, it’s less waste to recycle. There is a small picture on the front and a few badges, but not much else really.

Around the back, it’s pretty much the same, just details the connectivity but doesn’t really tell us much about the product. Basically, if you’re picking this up in a retail store, good luck figuring out all that it does. However, there is a QR code on the front that takes you right to their main product page, and that tells you everything, so it’s not that bad.

The hardware is all nicely packaged and comes protected with soft foam on all sides.


You can download the Sound Blaster Command app for Android here, Apple devices here, PC here, or Mac here.
As you can see, pretty much everything is supported over the range. However, you can’t use Gamevoice Mix on the Switch, but otherwise, you’re good to go.

As you can see, it’s extremely capable despite the compact size. Able to power up to 300 Ohm headphones and power even the most demanding drivers, with a great DNR, and wide support for high-resolution audio formats.