Crysis Remastered Launching at EGS Exclusive Next Month

We’ve known that Crisis Remastered was coming, but when will us jolly PC gamers be able to get our mitts on it? Thankfully, we now have an answer! PlayStation Access claimed the game would release today, which obviously isn’t happening. However Crytek did release a trailer for the game, so perhaps it was just a crossed message there.
The new trailer shows off some of the graphics technology, gameplay and most importantly, the release date for PC. Amazingly, the game is even launching as an Epic Games Store Exclusive. That’s right, a CryEngine game locked down on an Unreal server, you literally couldn’t make this stuff up. Two years ago I’d have been put in a madhouse for suggesting such things.
One thing we can see about the “new game” though is that it looks gorgeous. It’ll run at up to 8K… good luck with that, and feature SVOGI Global Illumination, ray tracing and much more. We know that Flight Simulator 2020 can put a 2080 Ti on its knees at 4K, and people are calling it the new Crysis… We’ll see about that.
There’s just one more question though, will it be better than the versions the modders have been creating for years now? Hmmm. Fingers crossed.
You’ll be able to play Crysis on Epic Games Store from September 18th.
“Here is your first Sneak-Peek of the tech trailer including, high-quality textures up to 8K resolution, Global Illumination (SVOGI), state-of-the-art depth fields, new light settings, motion blur, ray tracing and much more for a major visual upgrade.” – Crysis