CS:GO Source 2 Executables Are Being Leaked

CS:GO 2 is the big story for Steam users at the moment and with a Beta possibly being released at the end of the month and now executables for the game are being shared around.
Leaked CS:GO 2 Executables
Again leaked by GabeFollower on Twitter who has been keeping close tabs on this matter some CS:GO 2 executables have been getting sent around and have even been sent to GabeFollower themselves. In screenshots, it shows most importantly src2sdk as well as csgos2.exe which was the original .exe seen in the initial NVIDIA leak. In the screenshots that Gabefollower provided are also some source code showing off information as well as even more interestingly Left4Dead3 but unfortunately from what I’ve gathered was an abandoned Source 2 project and likely doesn’t mean anything at the current time.
CS:GO Update Adds New Launch Executable
In another interesting addition which backs up the claim for the CS:GO 2 beta, in the change list for CS:GO dated 14th March 2023 on steamdb.info a line can be seen showing a new App config and launch executables. These new launch executables added mention “limited test build” as well as a launch location for cs2.exe of game/bin/win64/cs2.exe. With these additions, it does make it look even more likely that we will see a Beta for the game soon.

Final Thoughts
I doubt it will be long before we see some gameplay from this of course it is only a source 2 update so it won’t be anything groundbreaking. What are your thoughts on CSGO 2? Let us know in the comments.