Custom D&D Gaming Table Features 4K Touchscreen
The internet and modern PCs revolutionised the way tabletop role-playing games are played. The host of digital gaming tools make both online and in-person play a less daunting experience. Dungeons & Dragons players, especially, are blessed with map creators, digital character sheets, and, of course, dice apps. So, how better to enjoy them than with a custom gaming table with a 4K touchscreen and a 40-inch tabletop display?
Custom D&D Gaming Table
D&D Dungeon Master (DM) Caethial unveiled his impressive gaming table on his Tumblr. He built the furniture from scratch; a 40-inch TV is embedded within and an end-mounted 4K touchscreen for the DM. Caethial’s fellow players guided his decisions during the table’s creation.
What a Way to Spend New Year’s Eve
Caethial says:
“The Setup for my Home D&D game, table was built on New Year’s Eve 2016, with two of my players and myself, the TV is a 40″ Samsung smart tv connected to a dell precision 5720 27″ 4K touchscreen workstation running Fantasy Grounds to manage campaign details, display maps and use tokens onscreen to represent characters.
Total cost not including the tv or workstation was about $120.”
However, add the cost of the TV and touchscreen – around $400 and $2,500 – and we’re looking at closer to $3,000. Indeed, you’ll need both money and carpentry skills to create your own. Unless, of course, Caethial is taking commissions.
Hey Fellow Gamers !
We are Rathskellers Gaming Tables
We have made some custom built gaming tables with screens for our clients in the past but none asked for a touch screen. How important is the touch screen?