Cyberpunk 2077 & The Witcher 3 Next-Gen Update Still Planned for 2021

It’s been well known for some time now that CD Projekt Red has been working on next-gen graphical updates for both Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3. Looking to take full advantage of the exceptionally more potent hardware offered in the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, I daresay that many of you reading this are thoroughly looking forward to their release. Well… The latter one at least (any excuse to play The Witcher 3 again, right?)
While CD Projekt Red has always been somewhat vague in regards to any specific release dates, however, following the publication of their latest Earnings Call report, it has been confirmed that both titles are still scheduled to arrive before the end of this year!
Cyberpunk 2077 – The Witcher 3 – Next Gen Updates!
It’s understood that owners of the original games on both the PS4 and Xbox One (and presumably PC too) will be offered the ‘next-gen graphical update’ for free as long as they already own (digital or physical) an original copy. While The Witcher 3 will likely represent the more popular title of the two, it’s hard to understate just how important this could be for Cyberpunk 2077.
I mean, let’s face it, Cyberpunk 2077’s launch was pretty grim. Both in terms of the game’s condition and, overall, a rather tepid reception from both critics and players). A next-gen console re-release, however, could finally see this title meet all the potential it’s near 10-years worth of hype generated.

When Will We Know More?
Admittedly, with both titles scheduled to release before the end of this year, this still isn’t exactly a precise date on which we can expect them. Given the rather vague status of development for both titles, however, it’s the best we’ve had so far, and presuming that no delays are encountered, I daresay that both Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3 would be a welcome addition to your PS5 or Xbox Series X/S before Christmas!
Well, unless CD Projekt Red contrives a way to cock this one up! – (Please don’t!)
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