D-Link Exo AC2600 (DIR-882) Enthusiast Router Review
Performance: External Storage
The easiest way to test the USB 3.0 and eSATA port’s performance is by connecting an SSD externally to the router. I will fire up LAN Speed Test that allows me to run a simple throughput test on a network mounted folder.
Bought a D-link DIR-882 along with a 3TB Nas drive in an external case to use for network storage on a home network. Would not work and told by D-link that the router will not support drives over 1 TB. Was later told that a 3 TB SHOULD work and that my drive must not be compatible. Nowhere in ANY d-link documentation is the 1 TB limit identified or any mention of compatibility issues. D-link does NOT publish a list of products that have been tested. Had such documentation existed, I would have purchased a different router or drive. There attitude is “too bad”. Will NEVER recommend or purchase D-link products again.