Dark Souls Board Game Kick Started Within a Few Minutes
Dark Souls is a video game series known for forcing players to deal with their mortality, with giant monsters proving that even in the afterlife deaths can still hurt. With the release of Dark Souls 3 players are now seeking new ways to challenge themselves, something which has led to the Dark Souls The Board Game being kick started within the short space of a few minutes.
With an initial goal of £50,000, the Kickstarter for the board game promises “strategically challenging, deeply immersive combat exploration game for 1-4 players”, something you can believe considering the franchise its based on. Included in the game is 16 models of the everyday grunts you often face and then 5 mini bosses, including the likes of an invader and gargoyle. If you survive all that you can then face off against the Dancer of the Boreal Valley and Executioner Smough and Dragon Slayer Ornstein for the boss fight experience on your table!
At £80 per copy, the Kickstarter reached its £50,000 goal in just three minutes! At the time of writing this article, the project now sits on £386, 474 with 4,843 backers. All the additional funding helps enhance the game, with the Pyromancer and Hunter character being unlocked alongside 5 extra behaviour cards for the Dancer and the Executioner.
With such a successful Kickstarter, already maxing out all of the stretch goals that were outlined, its now just waiting on the games release which is penciled in for April 2017, a year away.