Darksiders 3 Update Allows ‘Classic Controls’ Option
Darksiders 3
Last month saw the release of Darksiders 3 and I think it’s pretty safe to say that it was met with a resounding ‘meh’ from the community. Having played the game, I can assure you that it isn’t bad. Not by a long stretch. It is, however, yet another example of how simply repeating the same things can only take a franchise so far.
One of my biggest gripes, however, had to be surrounding the controls. Not physically, but just how they were applied in game. If this is a similar issue you are having, then there’s good news!
In a report via Polygon, a brand new patch has been released which gives users the chance to revert to original ‘classic’ controls from the series.
Classic Controls
It’s something that’s really hard to explain if you haven’t played the originals and then this new version. They did, however, mix things up and it hasn’t been met entirely enthusiastically by the community. There was certainly an ethos of ‘it wasn’t broken, so why did you try to fix it?’
The patch has also added a few other improvement tweaks. Jumping, ledge grabbing and balancing should feel a little better. All 3 of which become something of a chore just for defeating the first boss.
Is It Worth Playing?
The short answer is yet. You do, however, have to temper your expectations. Do not, for example, expect to see anything particularly fresh or new here. It is, essentially more of the same from the Darksiders franchise. That isn’t necessarily bad, but it does perhaps stand testament to my often held criticism that while the games are not bad, they could’ve been so much better.
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!