Dead Peoples Medical Records Found For Sale On Dark Web
Dead Peoples Medical Records Found For Sale On Dark Web
The dark web is a pretty scary place. Largely the home of purely illegal material on the internet, it is shocking what you can buy and do on there. We saw literally on the last few days how super secret documents appertaining to American military drone technology was available to buy/download from the dark web.
Things, however, have taken a slightly more morbid tone. In a report via the Independent, the medical records of deceased people are apparently currently able to buy on the dark web. Yes, morbid I know!
Why Would You Sell These?
Cybersecurity researchers discovered that the records of many deceased people were available to buy from the dark web. The reason for this, however, is certainly a bit questionable. I mean, I can’t think of a single reason why, for good or bad, I (or anyone) would ever want that information. It seems, however, that it can be used for identity theft.
Apparently obtaining a dead persons medical files is a way (good or not I have no idea) of attempting to steal their identity. Morbid I know, but true. This doesn’t (and shouldn’t), however, gloss over what is the main key factor in this revelation. Specifically, that medical reports have been obtained in the first instance.
Although not confirmed specifically, it is believed that these records appertain to American citizens. This would therefore clearly indicate that a major breach has occurred at one of their many medical providers. Perhaps indeed even a hospital. This stolen data is then available to buy online for as little as 60 cents or as much as 2 dollars. This is definitely worrying and more so that this isn’t even the first noted medical data breach we have seen.
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