DeepCool AK500 Air CPU Cooler Review

Exterior Packaging
Last year DeepCool looked to reinvent its branding and we see that continued with the AK500. While the boxwork is simply, this is kind of the point. – DeepCool doesn’t want to razzle dazzle you. It simply wants to allow the product to stand on its own merits and this is something clearly evident as the only major factor of note on the front of the boxwork (well, other than its name) is a nice large image of the cooler itself.

In this regard, this approach does let DeepCool down a little on the back as the information provided is both very basic and not entirely pleasant reading to the eye. It’s small, and grey on white is never the most potent contrast you could pick. – They don’t even list any features, all you get is the specifications which, in fairness, isn’t perhaps a bad thing as air CPU coolers are, typically speaking, quite easy to understand.

DeepCool provides you with literally everything you need out of the box to easily install the AK500 onto your system. This includes a solid quantity of thermal paste (enough for at least two installations I’d say) as well as a screwdriver (more on this in the ‘Installation’ part of the review), and also, in a moderately unusual addition we wouldn’t associate with DeepCool, a low-noise adaptor cable for the fan.