Doom 2 Recreated in Diablo 2 – Doomablo 2 Has Landed!
Doom 2 in Diablo 2 = Doomablo 2?
The modding community has for years been providing the gaming community with content. Sometimes good, sometimes awful and occasionally completely, as the Americans would say, out of the left field. Well, this definitely falls into the latter category as a modder has successfully recreated Doom 2 within the confines of Diablo 2.
One of the hottest stories of the last few months has been Blizzard announcing the remastering of Diablo 2. Along with a remaster of Warcraft 3, this has been pretty much where all the retro hype has been. The Doom 2 / Diablo 2 mod has therefore caught a lot of us off-guard.
While you can’t deny that the source material is kinda similar, you’d have never have expected a cross-over.
Wait, what? How does that even work?
Fair point, how can you get a first person shooter, nay one of the greatest and most classic first person shooters, to work in an isometric dungeon RPG? The answer is you can, and it looks surprisingly good.
Now, I daresay this looks a lot better than it plays, but then, it does look pretty awesome.
The mod, credited to ‘DolloM’ first appeared on YouTube a few days ago. Since this reasonably low-key release, the mod seems to be quickly gaining followers.
The team behind the mod has even asked for the community to suggest any additions or alterations within the YouTube comments. It, therefore, seems pretty clear that while being a very unusual kind of mod, it’s more than just a joke project. They seriously seem to intend to make this a fully working Doom 2 mod to Diablo 2.
In fairness to both sets of content in which the mod has drawn from, both are still much-loved. Doom 2 was recently (ish) re-released as part of the Doom 3 BFG game and Blizzard even issued a new patch to Diablo 2 in the last few months. These classics, even after circa 20 years, are showing no signs of fading away.
While the mod has not (at the time of writing at least) been released to the public, you can view the game play below. A bit more boom-boom and a bit less hack-slash.