Duke Nukem is here after what feels like ‘forever’
Andy Ruffell / 14 years ago
Duke Nukem : Forever is Due to be released on the 14th of June, after a 15 year wait. 2K confirmed the game was finally complete and is set to ship internationally on June the 10th. The game is being released for all platforms Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. Users who buy or have bought Borderlands: Game of the year edition will receive access to an exclusive demo on June the 3rd also users who pre-order the game will receive the same deal.
The president of 2K games Christopher Hartmann stated Duke Nukem Forever is the game that was once thought to be unshippable, and yet here we are, on the precipice of history. Today marks an amazing day in the annals of gaming lore, the day where the legend of Duke Nukem Forever is finally complete and it takes that final step towards becoming a reality.
Will this game be worth the 15 year wait? The original was nothing more than Doom with more ‘Bad ass’ mixed in, the president of 2K seems to believe so with statements such as annals of gaming lore Lets hope this game isn’t a huge flop and does not cause mass internet rage.