Dyre Wolf Attack Reels in over $1 Million in Wire Transfers
IBM’s Security division has been researching a malware attack they have named ‘The Dyre Wolf’ which is said to have been responsible for stealing over $1 million.
It is said that the hacking campaign uses targeted spear phishing emails, malware and a phone conversation on organisations that use wire transfers.
IBM stated that the attack starts with a single user opening an infected email attachment, having it contacting the attacker’s website and downloading the Dyre malware that hijacks the user’s address book and mails itself through the organisation.
After the infection mentioned above takes place, if a user attempts to log into a banking site, it loads up a new screen that says the site is experiencing issues and shows a phone number for the user to call and make their transaction.
Once the attacker has all the user’s details, a wire transfer is made that runs through a series of international banks. IBM recommends that companies train their employees not to open suspicious attachments or links and remind them that banks do not request their banking credentials in any way.
Thank you Engadget for providing us with this information