EA Shuts Down Fan Remake Of Sim City 2000
EA Shuts Down Fan Remake Of Sim City 2000
If EA proved anything in their most recent Sim City re-boot, it’s that they are completely incapable of making a re-boot of Sim City. One fan, however, decided to try and take matters into their own hands by creating their own remake of the highly-popular Sim City 2000.
Things have, however, ground to a halt as EA has issued a formal DMCA notice against them. For those interested in such things, you can read the DMCA notice in full here.
Stopped But Not Shutdown
Now, before you get your pitchforks out for EA, there is a point that should be clarified. EA has not shut down the project. They have, however, taken exception to the fan game directly using assets from the original game. Remember, this is a game that EA does still officially sell on its Origin platform.
The designer has been told that they can resume the project, as long as they do not use any of the assets from the original game. So basically, as long as it’s an original homage, no problems. The specific terms EA has said are: “The current audiovisual output of the repository creates content that infringes on Electronic Arts copyright. As long as that continues to happen, no other changes other than removal is sufficient to address the infringement.”
Understandable from EA
I can understand this decision from EA. The only real comments the maker of the homage game has said that he just wished they’d told him sooner. It will obviously take a little time to get this game into a state that EA will not legally have a problem with, but at least it isn’t dead.
What do you think? Which is your favourite Sim City game? Do you think EA is being unreasonable or fair in their decision? – Let us know in the comments!
I you look at https://www.reddit.com/r/SimCity/comments/7vboyl/opensc2k_initial_release_open_source_simcity_2000/ , you’d see that people warned him about this 5 months ago.
Really, most remake makers know about the copyright issues and work around them well. Offering a new engine and telling users that they need the original game is pretty standard.
He clearly didn’t listen then 😀