How Effective Is Body Armour Against An Assault Rifle?
This question is like a Russian roulette version of popular website Wikihow, anyway, body armour is deployed with the aim of being an essential form of protection against the most violent of circumstances, quick but interesting fact on this, the term “bullet proof vest” is not actually correct, manufacturers describe their products as “bullet resistant” and by doing so this places a mental caveat that ensures the user feels aware that they are in fact not indestructible.
Back to the original point, how effective is a body armour-plate? To test this in a practical way, a Youtube channel by the name of “Demolition Ranch” decided to shoot at a piece of body armour while using an ARAK-21 XRS gun, if you’re wondering, this gun is a hybrid of both the AR-15 and AK-47. The Facebook page of Demolition Ranch describes itself as “making you smile with guns” only in the US.
Below is the video, after conducting the experiment it was found that a piece of ceramic body armour could absorb 8 rounds before finally being breached, this is theoretically impressive but the effectiveness would depend on factors including distance etc. Body armour has a ceramic layer that is designed to break up the bullet and a composite layer of fabrics to hold the bullet from wounding the individual.
Body armour does indeed work and offers a good level of protection against, well death, but as good as the armour is, it can still be penetrated with dire consequences. The maker of the gun that was used in the experiment is a company by the name of Faxon Firearms; according to their website it states the company are “proud defenders of the 2nd Amendment”, too bad this cannot be amended, oh wait.
Thank you gizmodo and faxonfirearms for providing us with this information.