Elon Musk Says if Apple or Google Ban Twitter He’ll Just Make His Own Smartphone!

So, with it being around a month now since Elon Musk became the new owner of Twitter, has his tenure so far proven to be a success? Truthfully, it’s hard to say. If nothing else though he’s certainly been making the news which I suppose is never really a bad thing. – If one thing is clear, however, it’s that at least some people out there don’t like the idea of this man being in charge of what is arguably the biggest social media platform on the planet.
In regards to those displeased with him, however, it’s understood that Google and Apple are among them with some unconfirmed reports (threats) suggesting that if Elon Musk decides to take the platform in some of what they would consider ‘unfavourable’ directions, they would potentially completely remove the Twitter app from their respective stores and operating systems.
What does Elon Musk have to say in response to this though? Well, in a nutshell ‘go ahead’. Yep, following a report via SlashGear, if Apple and Google want to ban Twitter from their operating systems, Elon Musk will just (apparently) create his own!

Elon Musk is Willing and Able to Call Apple and Google’s (Probably Bluff) in Banning Twitter
Now, in many respects, having your social media platform kicked off of both Apple and Google seems nothing short of technological suicide. – In regards to Elon Musk, however, this is a bit of a unique situation. This is a man who has overseen the launch of rockets with the ultimate intent of putting people on the Moon (and beyond!). Do Apple and Google really think creating a competing smartphone and operating system is outside of this man’s scope?… In comparison, I know which sounds like an easier task!
And, let’s be honest, if Elon Musk did make a smartphone, you’d be at least mildly interested in checking it out given that all Google and Apple seem to do these days is improve tech in their latest releases rather than innovate it (what was the last product from either company you could call truly innovative?).
Overall, I don’t think these are the kind of threats Apple and Google should make to Elon Musk. This man has created a major car company, space rockets, a worldwide internet service, tunnel boring technology, and much more from pretty much nothing in just 10 years.
Creating a smartphone? That’s surely child’s play in comparison! – Elon Musk has ‘f**k you!’ money, and he’s consistently proven that he’s not afraid to spend it to prove a point!
What do you think? – Let us know in the comments!