Enermax Platimax 850W Semi Modular Power Supply Review
When testing in a power supply laboratory it is difficult to take fan noise readings as the noise from the Chroma corrupts everything. The next best thing in our circumstances was reading off the fan speed with a tachometer to get an idea for the noise. In the Enermax Europe PSU lab we had to do exactly that and we recorded the fan speed at each load scenario. The ambient temperature during testing held constant at 26 degrees, with 1 degree of variation. Each power supply had a consistent time period of 5 minutes to stabilise between each load scenario.
In my experience the following general relationships apply between noise levels and fan speeds, though it can vary greatly between the type of fan used.
- Below 800 RPM – Inaudible/Silent
- 800 to 1000 RPM – Barely audible
- 1000 – 1200 RPM – Audible but still quiet
- 1200 – 1400 RPM – Moderately noisy
- 1400 – 1800 RPM – Noisy
- 1800 RPM or higher – Intolerable
The Enermax Platimax 850W had a relatively stable PWM profile. Only at 100% load did it become audible
I’ve only heard good things about Enermax PSU’s but their existence over here is akin to finding chicken’s teeth.
Looks like an awesome product. And backed by the promising 5 year warranty would help it in every way.
And it have eared 80+ platinum for some justified reason as well. 😉
And at last Ryan, another awesome review!!
Very cool organization and layout. They should do all PSUs this way.
enermax is the most expensive brand of all.. be quiet! dark power 10 850w seems much viable choice. and isnt audible even at 100% load.