eTeknix @ Insomnia i48 Opening Ceremony
Here we are at the end of the first day of Insomnia i48 here in sunny Telford, OK I tell a lie, its actually buried under 10 inches of snow, but spirits are high and the glorious winter weather has made for an exciting start to the Spring season here at Insomnia.
Of course iSeries features many events, gaming tournaments and things to keep you all entertained, but the most popular of all has to be the opening ceremony which sees hundred of gamers, fans and general loot loving fiends gather on the main stage for a series of fun and games, challenges and most of all just to see how much free stuff they can catch.
Taking to the stage we saw all the big exhibitors from the event such as Mad Catz, In Win, Overclockers UK and many more, all of which we will be taking a closer look at throughout the weekend, throwing literally thousands of pounds work of swag into the crowd. Prizes ranged from pens right up to top end graphics cards and CPUs.
The eTeknix team didn’t want to disappoint the crowd either and we took to the stage to throw out a sizable box of loot of our own, containing various prizes from our sponsors such as Enermax and XFX.
The crowd waited patiently for the event to begin but it truly was the calm before the storm.
Multiplay / Insomnia legends Wizzo and A_Spec took to the stage as the main hosts of the stage event, bringing the usual announcements for the weekends events as well as introducing the various exhibitors as we came on stage, not to mention far too many snow related puns that garnered more than a few sighs from the crowd, fun time had by all.
Within five minutes of the event beginning people where out of there seats, arms out, screaming and shouting like raging zombies, hungry for loot and freebies that were being hurled into the air, think mosh pit for lanyards.
45 minutes into the main stage event, eTeknix took to the stage where we grabbed this fantastic picture of many of the eTeknix fans and general attendees of the Multiplay event were eager to hear what we had to say… only kidding, they just wanted the free yo-yo’s that we were giving away.
Want to see the eTeknix team in action on the stage? Skip to 47min 30sec on the video below, of course we also encourage you to watch the full video to enjoy some of the great fun and games that go on with the opening ceremony.
Check back later today where we will be providing you full coverage of not only the eTeknix booth, but also many of the other events from around the show.