Even a Dog Can Drive a Tesla
With the dawn of vehicle automation truly upon us – pioneered by Elon Musk’s electric car company Tesla Motors – even those of us without driver’s licenses will soon be able to sit in the front seat without risk of causing an accident, and that seems to include man’s best friend:
While the dog isn’t, strictly speaking, driving the car – or even seeming to enjoy the experience – the video does help to showcase Telsa’s Autopilot software.
According to the Tesla website, version 7.0 of its Autopilot software can:
“Open your garage door, enter your garage, park itself, and shut down. In the morning, you wake up, walk out the front door, and summon your car. It will open the garage door and come to greet you. More broadly, Summon also eliminates the burden of having to squeeze in and out of tight parking spots. During this Beta stage of Summon, we would like customers to become familiar with it on private property.”
“We’re going to end up with complete autonomy, and I think we will have complete autonomy in approximately two years.” Musk told Fortune last year, adding later that “The point at which it becomes statistically clear that an autonomous car is safer, I think, regulators will be comfortable with allowing it.”